November 2023 |
Conclusion of the 16th Session of the General Assembly
Recent Events:
· The Preparatory Meeting for the 16th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-16 Prep) · The 16th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-16) · The 47th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-47)
Recent Events |
The Preparatory Meeting for the 16th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-16 Prep): 5 November 2023, Bangkok, Thailand
Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the Preparatory Meeting for the 16th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-16 Prep) on 5 November 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand in hybrid format. It was attended by 77 delegates from 23 Member countries and 3 Affiliate Members of APT.
GA-16 Prep was chaired by Ms. Kalaya Chinatiworn, Vice-President of the General Assembly of the APT. The meeting reviewed the Draft Strategic Plan of the APT for 2024-2026 in order to provide a smooth deliberation at the 16th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-16).
The 16th Session of the General Assembly of the APT (GA-16): 6 - 7 November 2023, Bangkok, Thailand
GA-16 was held from 6 to 7 November 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand in hybrid format. The meeting was attended by 158 delegates representing 30 Members, 1 Associate Members, 6 Affiliate Members, and 1 international organization. The objectives of the meeting were to adopt the new Strategic Plan of the APT for 2024-2026, establish the basis for the Annual Budget of the Telecommunity, determine the Limits of Annual Expenditure for the year 2024-2026, and to elect Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the APT for the following three years term.
During the opening session, Mr. Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of the APT, delivered his welcome remarks followed by video messages of Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy Secretary-General of ITU, and Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP, and ended with opening remarks by Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, Vice-President of the General Assembly of the APT.
GA-16 elected Mr. Ilyas Ahmed from Communications Authority of Maldives as President, and Ms. Kalaya Chinatiworn from Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, Thailand and Mr. Kila Gulo-Vui from National Information and Communications Technology Authority, Papua New Guinea as Vice-President of the General Assembly of the APT.
The new Strategic Plan of the APT for 2024-2026 was adopted at the GA-16. APT will focus its work on the following Strategic Pillars: a. Digital Connectivity b. Digital Transformation c. Trust and Safety d. Digital Inclusion e. Sustainability
It also set the unit contribution to be the same for the coming three years and the limit of annual expenditure. In addition, it re-elected Mr. Masanori Kondo as the Secretary General and Mr. Liu Ziping as the Deputy Secretary General of the APT.
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The 47th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-47): 8 - 11 November 2023, Bangkok, Thailand
The 47th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-47) was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 8 to 11 November 2023 in hybrid format. The meeting was attended by 132 participants representing 28 Members, 2 Associate Members, 8 Affiliate Members, and 1 international organization. The Management Committee of the APT meets annually to pursue the policies and principles of the General Assembly, supervise the Secretariat's function, review and approve work programmes, and annual budget.
MC-47 was chaired by Dr. Ahmad Reza Sharafat, Iran, and the Ad-hoc Groups were chaired by the two Vice-Chairmen of the MC-47, Ms. Phavanhna Douangboupha, Lao PDR and Dr. Naranmandakh Tumen-Ulzii, Mongolia.
MC-47 approved the Work Programme and annual budget for the year 2024, and other documents that provide guidance to the work of APT in 2024 onwards.
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